Member Conduct Code
Epic Game | Community rules
Here, at Epic Games headquarters we strive to create a welcoming and laid back atmosphere for all individuals to socialize and have fun with their pals –. Your contribution is crucial, in achieving this goal.
The guidelines, for community conduct are relevant, to every individual who uses the products and services offered by Epic Games.They detail the expected behavior when interacting with members and encompass situations beyond the ones explicitly mentioned.
Adhering to these guidelines is simple enough; however if they are disregarded consequences could entail taking measures such, as issuing a ban.
Community Rules
- Remember to respect others privacy by keeping information confidential; avoid disclosing any details, beyond what's already publicly visible such, as a users username.
- Epic Game is committed to not accepting any hate or discrimination in any way.
- Remember to show respect, towards others and avoid engaging in bullying or offensive conduct; its not tolerated here! Also remember never to pretend to be someone whether it's a gamer or celebrity or even a staff member, at Epic Games.
- Lets compete avoid cheating or taking advantage of mistakes to win by deceiving others.
- Please refrain from participating in any unlawful behaviors while utilizing our services.
- Each violation is carefully assessed based on its circumstances before determining the course of action.
- If you see someone not following the rules while playing the game you have the option to report them directly within the game.
- Always make sure to safeguard your information. Safeguarding your privacy is crucial.
These guidelines, for the community are always. May be updated regularly to ensure everyones enjoyment here!
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